Mentally Challenged and Checkbook Balancing

Checkbook Balancing
To keep from living the joke, I cannot be overdrawn I still have checks. The mentally challenged needs the tools.
As with any task, an analysis starts the process, but the process does not begin with the arrival of the statement from the bank. Without a working checkbook or a computer-assisted registry, the statement lacks a starting point.
The steps are.
1. Learn the use of the calculator. Do you have to be an arithmetic wizard to operate? No, it might help, but many complain that calculators handicap students in schools because the students fail to learn the mechanics, but may be that is the only way mentally handicapped can handle the task. No one would take the wheelchair from an orthopedically handicapped individual, and the mentally handicapped can deal with the task with a tool.
2. Understanding a method of checkbook balancing that separates, deposits and balances and withdrawals separated without fully understanding arithmetic can occur. With a multiple colored pen, a mentally challenged individual can accept black as deposit, blue as balance and red as withdrawals. You are asking only to learn three items red black and blue, which probably is something previously learned. With this information, they know where to place the items in the checkbook or the computer register.
3. When the statement arrives, the individual realizes action required at this time. A college Junior lived on the idea that she kept good records so the statement must be right. She had a misunderstanding of the fees on her account. Her failure to examine the statement caused the misunderstanding to escalate to overdraft and a large expense.
4. With the statement in hand and the checkbook or registry, the mentally challenged can find the items and the point the balance and statement meet. Color-coding the worksheet can illuminate the missing items with the same understanding
Previously discussed were the steps, but what about the challenges. The use of the computer or calculator offers the biggest challenge but if modeled as a process the individual succeeds. A deposit to the account, black becomes blue as the balance. A help might occur with the calculator attached to the check registry so the balance remains within the calculator. Whenever the person sees, the calculator can have the beginning point. The process than would be red-withdrawal placed in the calculator and minus button hit. Once again, another tie to color red requires minus button and black as plus button.
The task lacks mystery and is within the skill of everyone and with care, the mentally challenged can handle the task as well as most.