Liabilities Top five Danger Areas around your Home

Everyone likes to save money on their insurance, right? Wouldn’t it be great if you could know some ways to keep your homeowners insurance premium down? Being aware of common danger areas around your home can help you avoid claims. And what happens when you avoid claims? Lower premiums. Yay! Listed below are some suggestions to help you be aware of and protect yourself against problem liability areas.

1-The biggest cause of liability claims stem from what the insurance industry likes to call “attractive hazards”. Attractive hazards are things that might entice passers-by to cross onto your property. Some common examples of attractive hazards are trampolines, swing-sets or swimming pools. If you have one of these items on your property, you must, at a minimum post “No Trespassing” signs. These signs can help you, unless the person who wanders onto your property is a child or individual who can’t read.

2-Any pets that you keep in your home are another possible liability concern. Animals sometimes act in unpredictable ways. Also, because they are animals, they sometimes give in to animal instinct when they feel threatened. If you keep a pet or multiple pets, be sure that you always keep them secure, either in your home, in a cage or in a fenced yard. Never allow your animals to roam the neighborhood. It only takes one bad day to turn your favorite animal into a huge liability.

3-Whether you have attractive hazards or animals or not you should always have your yard fenced. Preventing people from being on your property will in turn prevent many claims from being filed against you. If your yard is not fenced, people will walk across it, and that will create liability exposure to you.

4-The steps or porch for your home should always have a railing. This is especially true if your steps are steep, or if they rise more than two and a half feet from the ground. If you live in a colder climate, this railing is a must. Ice on the steps can lead to terrible injuries and long, drawn-out lawsuits.

5-Even though the city likely installed it, the sidewalk going across the front of your property is your responsibility. If it deteriorates, cracks, sinks or becomes unsettled by a tree root that has grown underneath it, you are responsible for fixing it. The sidewalk down the whole block might be in terrible condition, but if someone gets hurt on the sidewalk in front of your house, then it is your liability coverage that will be affected.

While you may not be able to prevent every type of liability claim from coming against you, you can do a lot to protect yourself. Ask your insurance agent to visit your home, they can give you some pointers on areas that concern them. If you will be proactive about danger areas around your home, you will be far less likely to have to deal with a liability claim later.