Legal Marijuana use

Did marijuana have a high potential for abuse? Yes, but medical applications have also proven effective through the use of vaporizers, where the essential marijuana compounds are extracted and inhaled. Since marijuana will help in combating some diseases, focus should be shifted to the delivery system of this in-expendable plant. Science must eliminate the danger caused by smoking Cannabis to cure diseases and use methods such as vaporization, ingest in edible form and process hemp oil in curing diseases.

The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs is an international treaty that prohibits the production and distribution of specific narcotic drugs except they are under license for specific purposes. This treaty forms the basis for controlling opium, coca, and derivatives such as heroin and cocaine. Cannabis was later included in 1961. This treaty has influence domestic legislation in different countries that are parties to the treaty. The Schedule IV of the United Nation Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs; make marijuana subject to special restriction. The cultivation of cannabis and its usage are illegal in most parts of the world.

Taking an insightful look at countries that have laws on the cultivation and usage of Cannabis, its abuse is usually high plus the social side effect. These countries are active in the distribution of Cannabis to the rest of the world. There is sound evidence that smoked marijuana is harmful. Cannabis affect the area of the brain associated with movement control, memory, cognitive functions, emotional response and psycho activities.

Cultivation of cannabis in some countries like United Kingdom requires a license for growing cannabis for botanical or scientific reasons. United states have constraints on open research of marijuana with the National institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) having veto power over Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and research of marijuana. However, since 1996, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington have passed laws for medical use of cannabis. In Netherlands, possession and purchase of Cannabis is illegal but tolerated in small amount. It could be purchased in a  special store called “coffee shop”.

The acceptable use of marijuana has being a controversial topic. The use of marijuana has being categorized into medical uses and recreational uses. There are some factors in marijuana use that cannot be contested. It contains ingredients like delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabigerol, Cannabidiol (CBD), β-Caryophyllene and over 300 active chemical compounds. For recreational purpose, users roll loose marijuana into a cigarette or smoke it in a pipe, mix into food or brew as a tea. The abuse of marijuana among children has raising concern all over the world. Research shows that 40 percent of teenagers try marijuana before they graduate from high school. Mostly used by children out of curiosity and the desire to fit into a social group.

In ancient time, countries like China, Egypt, and India have recognized its medicinal values. Every part of the plant is used in medicine, dried flower, seed, oil, stalk, root, leaves and juice. The use of the whole plant has proven to produce synergy of healing results. Weighting the benefit against the harm that could result from the legalization of marijuana for medical purpose, a country must first admit the medicinal values of marijuana and also devise ways to reduce it’s proneness to abuse. The regulation for its cultivation should be controlled.

Medical Cannabis was clinically established in 2002 as effective in the treatment of nausea, vomiting, insomnia, treatment of neurogenic pain and premenstrual syndrome. It has been confirmed through research that the active ingredient in marijuana helps cure Alzheimer’s disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, breast cancer, reducing pain HIV/AIDS patients, and brain cancer among others. In 2002, US federal agents arrested Rosenthal for growing marijuana for medical use. After he was convicted, the jurors learned Rosenthal was acting as an agent of the city of Oakland. He was later sentenced by U.S District Court Judge to one day in prison. U.S government spends an average of $8 billion of tax payers money yearly to combat marijuana related law and enforcement. Governments all over the world do not want to divert much of their limited resource to combating drug abuse than already is. License to plant Cannabis for medical purpose will therefore require additional resources and control.