Kansas Single Parent College Loans

Single parents looking to return to education are receiving much more encouragement these days as it gives them the chance to improve their opportunities. Financial restraints are often the key factor which prevents them. Grants, scholarships and Federal loans are paving the way for single parents resident in Kansas to embark on a college education with financial support.

Before applying for any grants the student must file an FAFSA application which gives access to federal student financing. Once the application is lodged then it is possible to apply for a Pell Grant; the new FSEOG grant; plus the vital federal Stafford loans which are the backbone of student loans.

There is also additional financial help available for single parents returning to education in Kansas, and these are needs based in order to assist those in greatest financial need. Single parents often fall into this category being the sole provider for a household who also have the consideration of balancing a college degree with holding down a job, child care, and family needs.

Once an FAFSA application is made the student can start to apply for a Federal Pell grant which is needs based and does not need repaying as a loan does. The Federal Stafford loans do need repaying but are needs based and those with the greatest need are eligible for the subsidized loan which does not need to be repaid until college is completed.

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a new need based grant for those students who are in financial need and can be applied for once the FAFSA form is submitted.

The state of Kansas itself offers the Kansas Comprehensive Grants which are open to eligible Kansas residents. This gifted grant offers from $100 – $1100.

For students considering attending the Kansas Emporia State University there is a scholarship available for single parents with children who are able to demonstrate that they are in financial need. This was designed specifically to help with the problems which single parents often encounter juggling childcare with their own education, and was established with the aim to not only encourage single parents back into education but to set a good example to their children of the importance of education.

Additionally it is always worth checking with the financial aid officers at the college of choice, to see if there is any additional help available, or with employers who may well be interested in reimbursing some of the tuition costs.

Single parents in Kansas have a good range of loans and grants available to them to ease one of the primary obstacles of returning to education, thus opening the door for an improved future.