How to Find Affordable Vision Insurance

Often, vision insurance is part of a comprehensive health insurance plan that might also include dental care and coverage for doctor visits. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing and able to shell out money for hefty health insurance premiums. That is where vision insurance is most useful as an independent policy– a specially designed plan that covers most of your eye-care needs.

Since vision insurance is merely one aspect of a health program, the premiums are not exorbitant, particularly if you have good vision. Finding good vision insurance would give you the opportunity to do your eye exams annually or update your lenses with reasonable frequency, without worrying about the cost.

The first step would to finding affordable vision insurance is to be acquainted with the various types of vision health insurance plans. There are two primary types of vision insurance:

♦ Vision benefits package

♦ Vision discount plan

The vision benefits package covers all vision services; co-payments are usually required as these plans have deductibles on the services. The discount plan is the cheaper plan, since you pay for the full service – but at a discounted price. The caveat is that the plan over covers certain vision care providers that agree to offer their services to policyholders.

Some providers created a better range that offer more options to buyers. One of the major providers offers Fully Funded Exam, Contact Lens Fit and Follow-up, and Materials; Fully Funded Exam and Materials; Funded Exam with Discounted Materials; Discount-Only Plan; and Materials-Only Plans. Another insurer offers dental and vision insurance in one plan.

The second step in finding affordable vision insurance is to look for the most suitable insurance provider. The tendency might be to look for the best advertised insurer. However, one must keep in mind that vision insurance is essentially a niche market. Spectera, Davis Vision, VSP, Always Care and EyeMed, are the most renowned providers of vision insurance plans. Most of the providers go beyond the basic dichotomy of plans; therefore, it is imperative that you find one that best suits your needs and budget.

Once the providers are identified, you need to source quotes from each insurance provider. When assessing the quotes, compare like plans among the insurers and look for the following:

♦ What the plan covers

♦ Service providers listed

♦ Benefits offered

♦ Any limitations or restrictions to benefits (usually vision insurance plans only cover a certain number of visits or limits the number of subsidized purchases with a six-month or annual period)

Checking the websites is an easy way to assess the products and services offered and request quotes the five vision insurance providers – Spectera, Davis Vision, VSP, Always Care and EyeMed. Each has a website that gives an overview of the plans offered and offers contact information for sales managers. Remember, vision insurance should never be so burdensome that you have to forego other financial products.