How to Cut Food Costs as a Retiree

It should not matter what kind of food you buy, but your health will make all the difference in the world if you cut food costs. That is not to say that the day you retire, you will eat less food. Here’s how it works:

As a person ages, their activity levels drop, dramatically for some people. When you exercise less, your need far less food . If you are used to eating a lot, I guarantee the pounds will “inch” their way on.

To reduce dramatically a retiree’s food costs, look for other sources of protein than a big beefsteak.

1. Chicken is high in protein, while being lower in cost. Keep an eye open for sale prices on pork.

2. Buy a family pack of pork or chicken and divide into servings for 2. Bag for freezing. You will not only save on the cost of meat, but spend less on subsequent trips to the supermarket.

3. Whenever a specific item is on sale, compare the price for the store brand or generic brand. If the sale item is less., buy twice what you would ordinarily. Again you will be saving more in the long run.

4. Alternate between noodles (spaghetti, vermicelli, & other pasta) and potatoes. Be sure to include vegetables, fresh or canned.

5. Make amounts that are family sized and either refrigerate leftovers for later use, or freeze for future use.

6. Shop discount stores for off-brands. Most of them are just as good as the big brand names.

7. Keep in mind that many states, counties, and/or cities have programs to supplement Seniors meals, making the little money you would spend on your meal a bargain.

8. Also, don’t forget the government backed supplemental foods that a retiree may be eligible for. Most have financial guidelines or restrictions, but the possibility is there.

9. If you are so inclined, during the harvest months of produce, buying in bulk, then canning can be an additional method of saving on the cost of foods.

10. Preparing combination foods, such as stews, sliced potatoes, tomato-onion-garlic-corn combos makes it easier to fix future meals, such as quick lunches, soups, and stews.. Either can them or freeze, whatever your choice and/or convenience.

11. Don’t forget the garden. No space for one? Check with friends, neighbors, or family to share in work and produce.