How Financial Problems can Lead to Depression

Financial problems come in many forms. Some people spend far more than they have, and end up in credit card debt as a result.

Others cannot seem to plan well, and find they are living paycheck to paycheck. When something happens that requires a large payment, such as the need for new tires, their lives go into chaos.

Still others have lost their jobs in the recession. They may have planned well but are faced with huge challenges – as they no longer have income on a regular basis.

If you can identify with any of these scenarios, you probably realize that financial problems can lead to depression. When your finances are not going well, you may quickly start living in a state of fear and panic.

And even if you remain calm, you find yourself trying to keep the fear and panic at bay. And that, in and of itself, can be exhausting.

To add to the negative situation, you feel trapped when you are financially strapped. You may be working two jobs but still feel like you can barely pay the bills.

And if you have children, it can be deeply depressing to have trouble funding some of the things they want or need. You may feel like a loser for not being able to provide well for them.

Financial problems are clearly not easy to cope with, but you can take action. Instead of spiraling deeper into depression, decide that you will fight it.

First, seek the help of a professional financial planner if necessary. You may need someone’s guidance on how to get a handle on your situation.

Also, find out ways you can start to turn your situation around. If you are spending too much, look for ways to cut back. Use resources like online support groups and articles from financial magazines to help you come up with ideas that will work.

Finally, take a hard look at your values and priorities. Have you been pursuing a lifestyle you cannot afford? Are you too caught up in status symbols? Are you worshipping money more than God?

If you can find ways to adjust your attitude and develop a deeper spiritual life, you will likely feel far less depressed. You may be going through a very tough time, but you will grow in character as a result – as long as you do not allow your depression to take over.