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Completing your FAFSA on the web is easier than ever if you follow a few simple steps.  Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a critical component of your ability to access federal student aide including any guaranteed student loans.  Even if you assume your family will pick up the tab, it is wise to fill out the FAFSA anyways; some schools require it for dispersing any time of financial aid.  You can access all the relevant information and submit your data through a secured government website so don’t wait.


Preplan and get acquainted with the official FAFSA website, you can log onto www.fafsa.ed.gov to get started now.  Find out the process and steps involved in completing this form in a timely manner while meeting all deadlines.  Take a glance at the website even before January of your senior year to get acquainted with the features and understanding the components of the application process.  Knowledge is power so don’t be caught scrambling toward the deadline.


Print the web worksheet and get acquainted with the information contained within.  Gather all relevant data and check the deadlines, you can find the needed information on the worksheet.  Draft a log or journal for your college related information and keep it in a safe place.  Involve crucial family members and those involved in your educational planning.


Apply for a pin several days earlier than you need it.  Do not procrastinate on this step because it could delay your application.  Signing up for a pin takes 1-3 days and therefore careful planning is necessary.  Keep this information safe and handy for reference.


Start filling out the application and saving it as needed, periodically look over your answers for verification of correct information.  Have access to your counselor or career center for further clarification.  High school workshops are held regularly on FAFSA application procedures; contact your career center or academic advising office.


Submit your results online and check for status verification back,  follow up as needed.  Arrange to send any FAFSA information to your selected colleges early, and the earlier you’re planning, the easier your senior year will be.  The FAFSA website is the official site for filling out your FAFSA student loan and grant form.