Disaster Preparation

Disaster Preparedness and Terrorism Awareness are important parts of our overall personal and family safety plans. One of the most important things we can do is develop a strong understanding of disaster preparedness and knowledge of how terrorists operate.

The following 10 courses are all available on-line. Each course is free, and provides awareness level training for the topics indicated. While each individual course is valuable on its own, these 10 courses when taken in total provide the user with a good foundational knowledge and awareness of terrorism as well as knowledge of how to deal with other emergencies such as household hazardous chemicals and severe weather emergencies,.

Certificates of training are issued for completion of each of the listed courses.


* DoD Antiterrorism Level 1 Training

* Introduction To Terrorism Awareness – KY TRAP Course http://www.kiprc.uky.edu/trap/introterrorism.html

* Chemical Terrorism Awareness – KY TRAP Course http://www.kiprc.uky.edu/trap/chemical.html

* Bio-Terrorism Awareness – KY TRAP Course http://www.kiprc.uky.edu/trap/bioterrorism.html


* IS-22 Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide To Citizen Preparedness http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/IS/is22.asp

* IS-55 Household Hazardous Materials http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/IS/is55.asp

* IS-394A Protecting Your Home or Small Business From Disaster http://www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/IS394A.asp

* IS-271 – Anticipating Hazardous Weather and Community Risk http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/IS/is271.asp

* IS-3 Radiological Emergency Management http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/IS/is3.asp

* KY Emergency Communications Course http://www.kyham.net/emcomm/training/kytest.html

By completing the above 10 courses, and putting into practice the things you learn, you will be far better prepared than the vast majority of people to deal with any type of emergency or disaster.

It’s also important to actively include your children in disaster preparedness and planning. Even young children can be included by downloading a copy of the Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book.

> http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/eduinfo/colorbk.pdf <

Young children can use this as their “course” while parents and older children complete the other courses listed in this article.