Details to get from the other Driver in the Evnet of an Accident

If you are involved in a car accident it may be difficult to remember the information you should obtain from the other driver. It may be helpful to keep a list in your glove compartment or stored in your mobile phone so you will be less likely to forget important information. 

Depending on how serious the accident is, you may need to call for an ambulance. Many insurance companies advise clients to call the police so they can write up an accident report. Insurance claims adjustors use poice reports to help them see if one of the drivers was more at fault than the other. Normally, if one driver is cited as being at fault, their insurance will be responsible for all or the majority of the repair costs. 

A police report is helpful if the case happens to go to court. A driver may dispute the police report if they were cited as being at fault and they don’t feel that they were at fault. 

If it is possible, it is advised not to move your cars so that the police can more easily reconstruct the accident. Also, they will want to interview any individuals that witnessed the accident. There may be some accidents that no one is more at fault for than the other. 

Even though you may be stressed and frustrated it is important to stay calm and rational. Don’t openly admit any fault you may have been responsible for. 

Once you have determined that no one is injured, ask the other driver for their name, address and phone number. Also, get their car registration number, insurance company contact information and policy number. 

It may also be helpful to take photos of the damage of all of the vehicles. With the popularity of mobile phones, this is easier now than in previous years. This may assist in the insurance companies by seeing first hand the damage that was caused.The police may also take photos as part of their report. 

It is important to contact your insurance company immediately, even if you were not at fault. They can assist in handling the paperwork with the other company and make arrangements to get your vehicle repaired. It is best to communicate with your insurance company than directly with the other insurance company. Your agent will communicate with the other company on your behalf. 

Besides getting information at the time of the accident, it is important to keep track of medical expenses you may have after the accident. Keeping them in one place makes it easier to submit for reimbursement. 

In some cases, the other company may offer you a settlement to finalize the compensation for your damages and medical expenses. Before signing the settlement document, make sure all of your medical expenses have been paid and that there is little likelihood you will be experiencing further complications from the accident. 

Even though you may be flustered after a car accident, there is some important information you should obtain from the other driver.