Living tip Archive

What is a Tonsilith

Tonsils and how valuable they’re for the human body have already been a subject of the great deal of discussion in the health care community. The tonsils would be the rounded, gland-like tissues situated close …

White Spots on Skin

There are many skin conditions which causes the white spots on skin. Normally majority of the people get these white spots on any on one are more parts of the their skin but they do …

End of August Update!

It has been one fabulous summer. (And this includes the weather – probably the best yet) Many highs, a few stressful moments, but now I am back home ready for the rest of the IFBB …

I Had a Talk with a Friend

I had a talk with a friend today. She informed me that she and her husband are getting divorced. I warned her about the cost of divorce but she said that it is not going …

How to Lose a Double Chin

There are a number of ways on how to lose a double chin, so all is not lost in this area of beauty care. However, you need to take a look at the reason for …