Constitutional and Contract Law Archive

Constitutional Contract Law

It is illegal for a convicted felon to own or possess a gun. If a felon (on probation, or otherwise), were to walk into a store where guns are sold, he would not be able …

Constitutional Contract Law

When the founders of our great country framed the constitution and the original amendments the memories of a long and bloody rebellion were still fresh in their minds. A revolution that had been fought to …

Guns Firearm Training Women Weapons

IT isn’t just women who should be able to pack heat, any law abiding citizen should have something close to hand in the event that a non-law abiding scumbag decides he wants something that doesn’t …

Constitutional Contract Law

236 years ago, the colonies residing in America decided they no longer wanted to be part of the British Empire. A small group of men chose to lead a revolution against the biggest government in …

Media Censoring the Church

The Tabloid Media: Political and Religious Arrest Before evaluating the quality of programs on television as well as cable some careful yet pertinent considerations must be imbibed into where we were in the past when …

Constitutional Contract Law

Through spoken communication, sometimes including a handshake, two or more parties (or individuals) may enter into an agreeable oral contract or referred to as “meeting of the Minds ” (mutual consent). It is understandable that …

Constitutional Contract Law

Too often, it is the often-overlooked branch of our federal government that affects the real decisions facing our nations more prudently than either of the other, more-transient branches are capable. Whereas the Clinton administration placed …

We have the right to Criticize

Freedom of speech along with freedom of the press gives us the right to criticize. These rights are unique in that they are not found in many other countries of the world, if at all …

Constitutional Contract Law

The issue of adult responsibility in the case of firearms related crimes and accidents involving minors is a very controversial and thought provoking issue. Statistics show that every year in the United States children are …

Supreme Court does its Duty – Yes

The supreme court has to strike down the mandate portion of the law that would impose a penalty on someone not purchasing insurance. It will go back, be rewritten, using different phraseology, be resubmitted, and …

Constitutional Contract Law

When I was a kid, I was taught that the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution abolished slavery. Abolish is defined as “to do away with, to void.” But the actual wording of the …

Plea Bargains

Plea Bargains The words “plea bargain” may create thoughts of lazy prosecutors accomplishing an easy conviction. The words “plea bargain” may create a sense of fairness and second chance to a defendant. Plea bargains create …

Constitutional Contract Law

Common law and civil law are the two prominent legal systems in the Western world. This article title seeks an answer to the differences between these two fundamentally different legal theories or systems. In a …

Constitutional Contract Law

Ridding the U.S. of legal gun possession altogether would have prevented the Virginia Tech massacre……..and then we all woke up. Thanks to the convenient and widely available black market, preventing a suicidal, cowardly, and homicidal …

An Overview of the 14th Amendment

On June 13th, 1866 the 39th United States Congress proposed the Fourteenth Amendment. Most of the southern state legislatures refused to ratify it, which led to the Reconstruction Acts. The military government was imposed until …

Commentary: What does freedom mean?

Everyone wants to be free. America was born on the shared value of freedom that ran deep in the hearts of the first patriots and Founders. Most every nation in the world desires the freedom …

Freedoms Bill of Rights

Fundamental “Free”doms “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably …

When oral contracts can be used

Here’s a lawyer’s answer to the question: an oral contract is enforceable if it is an otherwise valid contract and it is not rendered unenforceable by some other aspect of the law. What does that …