Can the Colour of a Car Affect a Car Insurance Quote

The type of car that we drive, its make, model, size, and engine power can all have an affect on our insurance premium. Even our age, our driving history, our occupation, and sometimes the location where we might be living, will also play there part in determining how much our insurance quote might be.

Can the colour of our car though also affect an insurance quote being made for us for our car?

On the surface, it might appear that the colour of our car would not be as relevant as these other factors that I have just mentioned above. On the other hand though, it has been determined and asserted by some people, supposedly in the know, that if we drive a particular colour of car, we usually will have a certain type of matching personality.

Driving a red car for example might portray us as being impatiently assertive, or even downright aggressive as a driver. If this was indeed the case, it might lead us to be rather reckless as a driver, and so more prone to having an accident, while at the wheel. Following on from this, if we did really in fact have more accidents, our insurance premium would be affected, and most likely it would increase in the ensuring years, after our first accident.

All of this then would seem to prove in its way, that driving a red car would lead in the end to us paying more for insurance. Is this really so though, or is it just a resulting factor of a person’s particular nature matching the colour of their choice of their car.

Whatever we derive or conclude from all of this, there is no doubt here that indirectly the red car is responsible for this type of person paying a higher insurance premium.

Colour plays a huge factor on all levels of our being. It affects us inwardly, as our favourite choice of colour matches our inward disposition. We only choose who we are being. This means that somebody choosing a dark car wants to be hidden from others, and not be conspicuously obvious, but this always has the opposite affect, because a gleaming black car stands out on the road during the day, but however becomes camouflaged by darkness at night.

On the other hand, when a person chooses a light blue, yellow or white car, this means in its way that this person wants to display to the world a certain innocence of character, and this too in a way is a type of deception. The truth is that these choices of colours do not show people our true colours at all, but actually try to paint over them, and so hide us from the world in a way that is oppositely aligned to the choices we make.

We attract these colours to suit our psyche of course, but our psyche never allows us through the interference of our ego to accept this choice, and so often this means that we are deceived by our own selves to choose a colour that is the opposite of who we really are, because we do not really want the world to see our true nature.

A driver of a red car is therefore sometimes not really aggressive at all, but more really fearful and weak, and so they buy the red car to outwardly paint the opposite aggressive picture of themselves, hoping that this will magically change them to be this way somehow. They want others to see them as outwardly strong, but they really still remain inwardly weak.

When we are not being our true selves, we are not driving as we really should be, and this  can often lead us to having an accident by us driving as if to play the part of a particular role model that we endeavouring to copy, or to portray.

All of this shows the complicated nature of car colours, and their attributed psychological meanings.

The colour of our car can affect our insurance quote, but it will often be for the wrong reasons, because we have been pigeon holed as being a certain type of character by driving this type of car, and in particular also for driving this specific chosen colour of car.

There are some other rather obvious points that I could make here too, before I finish this short article.

If we drive a black, or any other type of dark coloured car, it is usually much harder for another driver to see, especially at night, and this should indeed be a real factor in any insurance company’s assessing of our quote.

Conversely a white or a light coloured car should be easier for other drivers to see, and this would have therefore a beneficial affect on the calculation of the car’s insurance premium.

This article has shown therefore that there are some logically true reasons why the colour of our car could play a part in the assessment of our insurance quote, but that these logical reasons are often put aside, and being replaced by more unproven assertions about our character, and what it might be, because of the particular colour of car that we have decided to buy.

Before I finish here, I might point out that I myself drive a green coloured car, but this was chosen for me by my wife.

What would you say about that? It seems to have had no affect at all on my insurance quote, and so all of this what I have just said might just be all hot air, or is it? I will leave it up to the reader to decide for themselves.