Best Places for Hiding Money at Home

There could be any number of hiding places you could use to hide money at home.  For whatever reasons you have for stashing money away, it can be a huge convenience to have it exactly when you want it.  Choosing the right hiding place can be tricky.  You want to hide the cash away in one, or several indiscriminate spots where you would remember to find it, but not so haphazard that you could possibly lose track.  The idea with finding the best places for hiding money at home is with the intent to keep others from easily discovering the treasure – family or crooks alike.

If you live in a decent area where break-ins are virtually unheard of, and you don’t make a habit of hiding money in the home, you might start with more conspicuous spots.  This works will for small amounts of cash you plan to use for a rainy day, or maybe for a spending spree you plan on taking when you get the right amount.  Not so much for big plans like down payments, anniversaries or home improvements.  Some quick ideas could be a roll of bills stuffed in a sock and placed at the back of the sock drawer; an envelope of bills taped to the underside of your night stand, or behind a mirror; large bills tucked into dusty books on the bookshelf, all placed between the same pages in different books.  Choosing a spot you will likely forget in the short term, but for sure will find later is a good way to make your day – say the wallet pocket of a winter jacket hidden in middle of summer.  If there is a reason for concern, or a higher risk that the cash could be found, a little more creativity may be in order.  Hiding bills at the bottom your checkbook box is a way that might be skimmed over by the average thinker.  To take it a step further, move the box out of site to a spot such as in a bottom file drawer underneath the file folders.  Unless you’ve got a teenager capable of such an act of sniffing out cash to swipe, it is likely safe there.  A decorative vase is another good spot for this type of reserve cash – especially one that won’t be replaced, like a family heirloom or one with special meaning.

If you are looking to save over the long haul, and you are apprehensive about placing your money in an institution because of the recent economic fallout, you should sit down and be a little more pragmatic in your approach.  Hiding large amounts of cash is best accomplished by separating the balance in different spots.  This, for one, will increase the chance a thief won’t get your entire “mattress fund”.  Not only that, family or friends may either be shocked or become disgruntled about large amounts of cash hidden from them with intent – or worse, be tempted to take it.  Practical places for hiding larger amounts of money in the home would be in the attic, storage closet, basement or uncommonly used cupboards.  These are spots which aren’t likely to attract casual intruders like family or friends hunting for the lost family photo, or something like that.  Nor would they be timely for a thief in a hurry to get in and out.  Attics usually have rafters, boards or equipment that create spots good for keeping small packages out of site.  The same goes for cupboards that are out of reach or don’t get used a lot – good spots for stuffed envelopes taped in positions that are out of the line of sight.  Unsightly or awkward spots in the basement or storage closets can be used to conceal a sturdy box with other items stacked on top for additional obstacles in the way, a good method for keeping money safe.  One thing to consider, also, is whether or not you choose a place that you can remember.  Unless it is your intent, you should include memorable spots in your hunt for hiding places.

Any number of hiding places can be conceived.  Given the open nature of this article, or others like it, maybe original hiding spaces should be derived from the ideas mentioned.  For example, we’ve already touched on the notion of awkward spots with obstacles.  Take it a step further by coming up with an awkward hiding spot requiring some mechanism to reach the hidden cash.  For example, money hidden under the hallway carpet is not likely to occur to anyone – especially if you cut a narrow slot 3 feet away from where you intend to let it rest.  Using something, like a wire coat hanger to retrieve the package is what takes this idea to a different level.  And to add to the ingenuity of the spot, say under an antique hall tree which probably won’t be moved anytime soon, would keep the money from being discovered, or trampled and worn.  If you feel you’ve got the quintessential spot, or spots never to be found by any curious mind, consider using these spots to hide something which may actually increase in value – like gold or copper bullion. Starting with this type of ingenuity, sit down and take time to imagine where you, and you alone, would consider to be the best place for hiding money at home.