Auto Insurance Money Saving Strategies

Most states now require minimum amounts of liability auto insurance to be carried on vehicles at all times. Auto insurance can be costly, and an expense many find hard to keep up with. Getting caught driving without insurance means lots of trouble, including fines and possible jail time, not to mention what would happen if an accident were to occur while driving uninsured. Luckily there are money saving strategies that you can take to save money on auto insurance.

One of the best ways to save money on auto insurance is to compare rates. It is recommended that consumers obtain a minimum of three auto insurance quotes before choosing a policy. Rates can greatly vary between companies, and getting these three quotes can save hundreds of dollars every year. Even if you currently carry auto insurance, it is wise to compare rates at least once per year to insure you are getting the best possible coverage at the best rates. Using a site such as can help you obtain these quotes quickly and pain free, offering multiple quotes in minutes.

Another money saving strategy proven to save money on your auto insurance is keeping your driving record clean. Just one infraction on your record can increase your premiums by as much as 40%. Obey all traffic laws, do not break the speed limit, and keep your eyes on the road to try to avoid accidents if at all possible.Although they can not be prevented all together, you can reduce the likeliness of being involved in an auto accident by being a safe driver.

Pay your premiums annually instead of monthly. This is a great way to save a ton of cash, and there is no worry about a lapse in coverage or forgetting to make a payment. You can save as much as 50% off your auto insurance premium by paying once per year. Do yourself and your auto insurance company a favor and pay this way. You’ll love the savings you will receive!

You can also save money on your auto insurance by taking advantage of all of the discounts that you are entitled to. Auto insurance companies offer a slew of discounts such as safe driver discounts, multiple policy discounts, and even the addition of anti-theft devices to your car. Ask the auto insurance company what discounts that are available, and use them all for tremendous savings!