7 Tips on Saving Money

Saving money in the modern world isn’t nearly as hard as one might figure. The truly difficult task is actually breaking down the best ways to save money in this world, and shrinking it all into 7 helpful, friendly tips. More importantly, you have to make sure that these tips apply to everyone who is looking to save a pretty penny.

We live in a fast paced world, so fast food is one of our most useful facets of life. This unfortunately also gives restaurant owners the ability to charge you high prices on the goods that you want. A first and foremost tip is to keep every penny that you get in change from your purchases. Try buying multiple items off of the dollar menu at your favorite fast food joint instead of buying a typical value meal. You can usually get as much food as you would otherwise, and save at least a dollar.

My second tip is a common one, though just as important as any: Be wise at the pump! Gasoline in the modern age is terribly expensive, and with prices looking to stay at an average of well over 2 dollars per gallon, it’s best to buy only as much gas as you need, and keep your car running on that gas for as long as you can before you fuel up next. Also, keep an eye out for competition between gas prices, and be sure to figure if it’s really worth it to go for gas that’s just 2 cents cheaper per gallon.

Our world is indeed a material world, and as people, we often let our desires for material goods distinguish part of our financial decisions. My third tip, though hard to follow, is to resist needless temptations! Just because you see a cute pair of shoes, or find that game that you’re just dying to have, make sure that you think twice about the purchase you’re going to make. Perhaps you can wait until the item is on a clearance, or even just skip buying it, realizing that you made the wiser decision by doing without.

Part of keeping a track of your money is keeping every dime, nickel, and even every penny that you own. Tip number four: Get a hold of your change! Set aside a jar, and through your dimes, nickels, and pennies in it when you don’t need them, or have a good amount of change from a purchase. Make sure to keep that change off limits, and then cash it in at a local bank for a pleasant surprise.

When you do have needs for clothing in the near future, don’t waste your time going to a pricey store like American Eagle or Banana Republic. Tip five is to try and shop at lower priced stores, like Old Navy. You can probably find the same clothes, and typically even better quality, for prices that are dangerously lower. Money is just a little more important than fashion.

To save money and still be a good person to your lover or current object of desire, tip six is to be a spendthrift Casanova. Learn a bit more about what your significant other enjoys or likes that isn’t going to cost you a fortune. Opt for dates that won’t ring you up a huge bill, but will still satisfy and please your opposite.

My final tip is to simply think twice about where you are financially. If you’re in debt, try to get out of it. If you know people that owe you money, go ahead and give them a friendly reminder about it. Make sure that you’re keeping a track of your purchases, and how much money you have at any given point in time. You might be losing funds and not even know it!

If you follow these tips, and perhaps a few creative ones of your own, you could find yourself living much more comfortably than you were before, and have a good chunk of change to show for it as well.